Recent Graduate Students


Burch Fisher: PhD: Climate-tectonic interactions in the Himalaya

Currently: Post-doc: U Pittsburgh

Burch being a Tuf(a) guy ..........      looking for stimulation


visit Burch’s website for the real scoop


Becky Streit: PhD (2015): Role of Climate and Tectonics in Growth of the Puna Plateau

                                visit Becky’s website for more golf tips

Currently: Lecturer in Geology at William and Mary College

Jon Harvey: PhD (2015) Disequilibrium landscapes in the Himalaya

Currently: Assistant Professor of Geosciences at Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO

visit Jon’s websites (Ft Lewis)

Golfing with yak dung at 3500 m           Smiling after a 400-m tee shot!


Al Neely: MSc: Deformation and Landscape Evolution, Santa Cruz Island, CA: A Lidar-based Perspective on Mobile and Stationary Knickpoints & Related Stream Capture (Al’s website)

Currently: PhD student at Penn State

Harvey, J. E., D. W. Burbank, and B. Bookhagen, 2015, Along-strike changes in Himalayan thrust geometry: Topographic and tectonic discontinuities in western Nepal, Lithosphere, doi:10.1130/L444.1. pdf

Streit, R. L., D. W. Burbank, M. R. Strecker, R. N. Alonso, J. M. Cottle, and A. R. KylanderClark (2015), Controls on intermontane basin filling, isolation, and incision on the margin of the Puna Plateau, NW Argentina (~ 23°S), Basin Research. v. 27, doi: 10.1111/bre.12141. pdf

New Arch supports!                              Looking her best!

Jessie Thompson: PhD: Continental Indentors: The Pamir-Tien Shan Collision

Currently: Geologist at US Bureau of Reclamation, Golden, Colorado

Amidon, W. H., Fisher, G. B., Burbank, D. W., Ciccioli, P. L., Alonso, R. N., Gorin, A. L., Silverhart, P. H., Kylander-Clark, A. R., and Christoffersen, M. S., 2017, Mio-Pliocene aridity in the south-central Andes associated with Southern Hemisphere cold periods: Proceedings National Academy of Sciences, v. 114, 6474-6479.

Amidon, W.H., Ciccioli, P.L., Marenssi, S.A., Limarino, C.O., G Fisher, G.B., Burbank, D.W., and Kylander-Clark, A.,  2016, U-Pb ages of detrital and volcanic zircons of the Toro Negro Formation, northwestern Argentina: age, provenance and sedimentation rates: South American Earth Sciences, v 70, p. 237-250. pdf

Amidon, William; Luna, Lisa; Fisher, G.; Burbank, Douglas; Kylander-Clark, Andrew; Alonso, Ricardo, 2015, Provenance and tectonic implications of Orán Group foreland basin sediments, Río Iruya canyon, NW Argentina (22°S): Basin Research, v. 27, 18 p., doi: 10.1111/bre.12139. pdf

Godard, V., Bourlès, D. L., Spinabella, F., Burbank, D. W., Bookhagen, B., Fisher, G. B., Moulin, A., and Léanni, L., 2014, Dominance of tectonics over climate in Himalayan denudation: Geology, v. 42, p. 243-246. Godard 2014 Tectonics>Climate in Himalaya Geology .pdf

Fisher, G.B., B. Bookhagen, and C.B. Amos (2013), Channel planform geometry and slopes from freely available high-spatial resolution imagery and DEM fusion: Implications for channel width scalings, erosion proxies, and fluvial signatures in tectonically active landscapes, Geomorphology, 194, 46-56, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.04.011.

Godard V., G. E. Tucker, G. B. Fisher, D. W. Burbank, B. Bookhagen, 2013, Frequency-dependent landscape response to climatic forcing: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 40, 859-863, doi:10.1002/grl.50253. Godard Freq-dep erosion GRL 2013.pdf

Fisher, G. B.; Amos, C.B.; Bookhagen, B.; Burbank, D.W.;  Godard, V., 2012, Channel widths, landslides, faults, and beyond: The new world order of high-spatial resolution Google Earth imagery in the study of earth surface processes. In, Whitmeyer, S.J., Bailey, J.E., De Paor, D.G. and Ornduff, T. (eds.) Google Earth and Virtual Visualizations in Geoscience Education and Research: Geological Society of America Special Paper 492, p. 1-21. Fisher_etal_GSASpecPap492_2012.pdf

Godard, V., Burbank, D.W., Bourlès, D.L.,Bookhagen, B.,Braucher, R., and Fisher, G.B., 2012, Impact of glacial erosion on 10Be concentrations in fluvial sediments of the Marsyandi catchment, central Nepal: J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2011JF002230.Godard glacial eros 10Be conc JGR 2012.pdf

Publications from MSc thesis:

Amidon, W. H., Burbank, D.W., and Gehrels, G.E., 2005, Construction of foreland mineral populations: insights from mixing of U-Pb zircon ages in Himalayan rivers, Basin Research, 17, 463-485. doi: 410.1111/j.1365-2117.2005.00279.x

Amidon, W H., D W. Burbank, and G E. Gehrels, 2005, U-Pb zircon ages as a sediment mixing tracer in the Nepal Himalaya: EPSL, v. 235, 244-260.

Publication from MSc thesis:

Duvall, A., Kirby, E., and Burbank, D., 2004, Tectonic and lithologic controls on bedrock channel profiles and processes in coastal California: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 109, F03002, doi:10.1029/2003JF000086.

Publication from MSc thesis:

Craddock, W. H., Burbank, D. W., Bookhagen, B., and Gabet, E. J., 2007, Bedrock channel geometry along an orographic precipitation gradient in the upper Marsyandi River valley in central Nepal: Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, v. 112, p. F03007, doi:10.1029/2006JF000589.

Alison Duvall: MSc 2005: Width-slope scaling in bedrock rivers

PhD: U Michigan, research in NE Tibet

Currently: Assistant Professor, Univ Washington

Will Amidon: MSc 2005: U/Pb detrital mineral studies in Nepal

                  PhD at Caltech; Currently: Associate Professor, Middlebury College

Some PhD Publications:

Heermance, R. V., J. Chen, D. B. Burbank, J. Miao (2008), Temporal constraints and pulsed Late Cenozoic deformation during the structural disruption of the active Kashi foreland, northwest China, Tectonics 27, TC6012, doi:10.1029/2007TC002226.

Heermance, R., J. Chen, D. Burbank, C. Wang (2007), Chronology and tectonic controls of Late Tertiary deposition  in the southwestern Tian Shan foreland, NW China, Basin Research 19, 599-632.

Chen, J., R. Heermance, K. M. Scharer, D. W. Burbank, M. Jijun, C. S. Wang (2007), Quantification of growth and lateral propagation of the Kashi anticline, Southwest Chinese Tian Shan. J. Geophys. Res., 112, doi: 10.1029/2006JB004345.

Sobel, E. R., Chen, J., Heermance, R. V., (2006), Late Oligocene - Early Miocene initiation of shortening in the Southwestern Chinese Tian Shan: Implications for Neogene shortening rate variations, Earth Planet. Sci.Lett.,  247, 70-81.

Bill Craddock:  MSc 2006: Width scaling in Himalayan bedrock rivers; rock strength and

    hillslope scaling

          PhD at Penn State (NE Tibet); Now: Research Geologist w USGS at Reston

Dick Heermance: PhD 2007: Stratigraphic & Structural Evolution of the Neogene Kashi

        Foreland Basin, NW China

  Formerly: USGS Mendenhall Fellow; Currently: Professor, Cal State Univ. Northridge


Publications from PhD

Goode, J. K., and Burbank, D. W., 2009, Numerical study of degradation of fluvial hanging valleys due to climate change: J. Geophys. Res., v. 114, p. F01017, doi:10.1029/2007JF000965.

Goode, J. K., and Burbank, D. W., 2011, Kinematic implications of consequent channels on growing folds: Journal of  Geophysical Research, v. 116, p. B04407, doi:10.1029/2010JB007617.

Goode, J. K., Burbank, D. W., and Bookhagen, B., 2011, Basin width control of faulting in the Naryn Basin, south-central Kyrgyzstan: Tectonics, v. 30, TC6009, doi:6010.1029/2011TC002910.

Goode, J. K., Burbank, D. W., and Ormukov, C., 2014, Pliocene-Pleistocene initiation, style, and sequencing of deformation in the central Tien Shan:Tectonics, v. 33, p. 464-484, doi:2013TC003394R.

Joseph Goode: PhD 2011: Geomorphology and Tectonics: Kyrgyzstan, New Zealand

Currently: Geologist with Total in Houston

        Joseph on "Death Row"                           Joseph being tutored by a 5 year old.

Some PhD Publications:

Pratt-Sitaula, B., Burbank, D. W., Heimsath, A., Humphrey, N., Oskin, M. E., and Putkonen, J., 2011, Topographic control of asynchronous glacial advances: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 38, p. L24502, doi:10.1029/2011GL049940.

Pratt-Sitaula, B., Garde, M., Burbank, D.W., Oskin, M., Heimsath, A. and Gabet, E., 2007. Bedload-to-suspended load ratio and rapid bedrock incision from Himalayan landslide-dam lake record. Quaternary Research, 68(1): 111-120.

Pratt-Sitaula, B., 2004. Connecting people to science in the Himalaya. Geotimes, 49(11): 38-39.

Pratt-Sitaula, B., Burbank, D.W., Heimsath, A. and Ojha, T., 2004. Landscape disequilibrium on 1000-10,000 year scales Marsyandi River, Nepal, central Himalaya. Geomorphology, 58(1-4): 223-241.

Burbank, D.W., Blythe, A. E., Putkonen, J., Pratt-Sitaula, B., Gabet, E., Oskin, M., Barros, A., Ojha, T. P.2003. Decoupling of erosion and precipitation in the Himalayas. Nature, 426(6967): 652-655.

Gabet, E.J., Burbank, D.W., Putkonen, J.K., Pratt-Sitaula, B.A. and Ojha, T., 2004. Rainfall thresholds for landsliding in the Himalayas of Nepal. Geomorphology, 63(3-4): 131-143.

Gabet, E.J., Pratt-Sitaula, B.A. and Burbank, D.W., 2004. Climatic controls on hillslope angle and relief in the Himalayas. Geology, 32(7): 629-632.

Pratt, B.A., Burbank, D.W., Heimsath, A.M. and Ojha, T.P., 2002. Impulsive alluviation during early Holocene strengthened monsoons, central Nepal Himalaya. Geology, 30(10): 911-914.

Beth’s website

Beth Pratt-Sitaula, PhD 2005: Geomorphology and glacial chronology in the Himalaya

Currently: UNAVCO - Science Education Specialist; School for International Training - Academic Director for the Nepal Geoscience Program; Research Associate at  Central Washington Univ

Some PhD publications:

Lease, R. O., Burbank, D.W., Zhang, H., Liu, J., and Yuan, D., 2012, Cenozoic shortening budget for the northeastern edge                             of the Tibetan Plateau: Is lower crustal flow necessary?: Tectonics, v. 31, doi:10.1029/2011TC003066.

Lease, R.O., Burbank, D.W., Hough, B., Wang, Z., and Yuan, D., 2012, Pulsed Miocene range growth in northeastern Tibet: Insights from Xunhua basin magnetostratigraphy and provenance, Geological Society of America Bulletin, doi: 10.1130/B30524.1, p. 657-677.

Lease, R.O., Burbank, D.W., Farley, K.A., Clark, M.K., Zheng, D., and Zhang, H., 2011, Middle Miocene reorganization of deformation along the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, Geology, v. 39, no. 4, p. 359-362, doi: 10.1130/G31356.1.

Hough, B., Garzione, C., Wang, Z., Lease, R.O., Burbank, D., Yuan, D., 2011, Stable isotope evidence for topographic growth and basin segmentation: Implications for the evolution of the NE Tibetan plateau, Geological Society of America Bulletin, v.123, no.1-2, p.168-185, doi:10.1130/B30090.1.

Lease, R.O., McQuarrie, N., Oskin, M.E., Leier, A., 2009, Dextral shear on the Bristol-Granite mountains fault zone: successful geologic prediction from kinematic compatability of the eastern California shear zone, Journal of Geology, v.117; no.1; p.37-53; doi: 10.1086/593320

Lease, R.O., Burbank, D.W., Gehrels, G.E., Wang, Z., and Yuan, D., 2007, Signatures of mountain building: Detrital zircon U-Pb ages from northeast Tibet, Geology, v. 35; no. 3; p. 239–242; doi: 10.1130/G23057A.1

van der Vink, G.E., Andrews, S.Q., Bilir, L.K., Lease, R.O., Newman-Wise, L., Prat, M.K., and Prescott, A.M., 2005, The Increasing Costs of U.S. Natural Disasters: Geotimes, November 2005.

Zhang, H., Craddock, W.H., Lease, R.O., Wang, W., Yuan, D., Zhang, P., Molnar, P., Zheng, D., and Zheng, W., in revision., Late Miocene - Pliocene exhumation of the Qinghai Nan Shan (Northeastern Tibetan Plateau): constrained by adjacent Chaka basin magnetostratigraphic architecture, Basin Research.

Wang, Z., Zhang, P., Garzione, C., Lease, R.O., Zhang, G., Zheng, D., Hough, B., Yuan, D., Li, C., Liu, J., and Wu, Q., in revision., Early-Middle Miocene tectonics of the West Qinling northern fault zone: Evidence from basin structure, sedimentation and magnetostratigraphy in Wushan basin, NE margin of the Tibetan Plateau, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences.

Lease, R.O., Burbank, D.W., Zhang, H., and Liu, J., in prep., Cenozoic crustal thickening on the northeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau: Is lower crustal flow necessary?, Tectonics.

Lease, R.O., Burbank, D.W., Hough, B., Wang, Z., and Yuan, D., in revision., Oligocene-Miocene sedimentary records of pulsed range growth in northeastern Tibet: Xunhua basin deposition in the shadow of the growing Laji Shan and Jishi Shan, Geological Society of America Bulletin.

Some PhD Publications:

Amos, C.B., D.W. Burbank, and S.A.L. Read (2010) Along-strike growth of the Ostler fault, New Zealand, and consequences for drainage deflection above a non-propagating thrust, Tectonics, 112, doi:10.1029/2009TC002613.

Amos, C.B., and D.W. Burbank (2007) Channel-width response to differential uplift, Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface, 112, F2010, doi:02010.1029/2006JF000672.

Amos, C.B., D.W. Burbank, D.C. Nobes, and S.A.L. Read (2007) Geomorphic constraints on listric thrust faulting: Implications for active deformation in the Mackenzie Basin, South Island, New Zealand, Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 112, B03S11, doi:10.1029/2006JB004291.

Big game hunting and riding wild horses in NZ

Colin’s website

Colin Amos: PhD 2007: Evolution of the Ostler Fault zone, New Zealand

  Formerly: NSF Postdoc at UC Berkeley; Currently: Associate Prof., Western Washington Univ.

Richard Lease: PhD - 2010: Upward and outward growth of the NE Tibetan Plateau

Formerly: Postdoc at Tubingen, Germany; Currently: USGS geologist, Anchorage, Alaska

Some PhD publications:

Rood, D.H., Burbank, D.W., and Finkel, R. C., 2011, Chronology of Glaciations in the Sierra Nevada, California, from 10Be Surface Exposure Dating: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 30, p. 646-661.

Rood, D.H., Burbank, D.W., and Finkel, R. C., 2011, Spatiotemporal Patterns of Fault Slip Rates Across the Central Sierra Nevada Frontal Fault Zone: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 301, p. 457-468;  doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.11.006.

Rood, D.H., Burbank, D.W., Herman, S.W., and Bogue, S., Rates and timing of vertical-axis block rotations across the central Sierra Nevada-Walker Lane transition in the Bodie Hills, California/Nevada: Tectonics,v. 30,TC5013 (23 pages).

Dylan Rood: PhD - 2010: Miocene-to-Recent transtentional evolution of the eastern Sierra Nevada

SEGRF fellowship, Lawrence Livermore National Labs, 2006-2009

Formerly: NSF Postdoc 2010-2012 (UCI, USGS, LLNL); Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre)  [Dylan’s website]

Currently: Senior Lecturer, Imperial College, London

Some PhD publications:

Clarke, B., and Burbank, D.W., 2011, Quantifying bedrock fracture densities in the shallow subsurface and the implications for bedrock landslides and erodability: Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface, 116, F04009

Clarke, B. A., and Burbank, D. W., 2010, Bedrock fracturing, threshold hillslopes, and limits to the magnitude of bedrock landslides: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 297, p. 577-586.

Clarke, B., and Burbank, D.W., 2010, Evaluating hillslope diffusion and terrace riser degradation in New Zealand and Idaho: Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface, 116, F03013

          Buster Brian cracking up the rental car and following local traditions in NZ

Brian Clarke: PhD 2009: Rock strength, erosion rates, climate, and tectonics of Fiordland and the Southern Alps

Currently: Boulder, CO


Thompson, J.A., Chen, J., Yang, H., Li, T., Bookhagen*, B., and Burbank, D.W., Coarse- versus fine-grain OSL dating and cosmogenic 10Be depth profile dating of fluvial terraces on the northeast Pamir margin, northwest China: Quaternary Geochronology, v. 46, p. 1-15.

Li, T., Chen, J., Thompson Jobe, J. A., Burbank, D.W., Cheng, X., Xu, J., Li, Z., Zheng, W., and Zhang, P.,  2018, Active bending-moment faulting: Geomorphic expression, controlling conditions, accommodation of fold deformation: Tectonics, v. 37, 2278-2306.

Thompson Jobe, JA, T Li, B Bookhagen, J Chen, D Burbank, 2018, Dating growth strata and basin fill by combining 26Al/10Be burial dating and magnetostratigraphy: Constraining active deformation in the Pamir–Tian Shan: Lithosphere 10 (6), 806-828.

Bufe, A., Burbank, D.W., Liu L., Bookhagen, B., Qin L., Chen, J., Li T., Thompson Jobe, J.A., and Yang Huili, 2017, Variations of lateral bedrock erosion rates control planation of uplifting folds in the foreland of the Tian Shan, NW China: J. Geophys. Res. - Earth Surface, v. 123, p. 2431-2467, doi: 10.1002/2016JF004099. pdf

Li, T., Chen, J., Thompson Jobe, J. A., and Burbank, D. W., 2017, Active flexural-slip faulting: Controls exerted by stratigraphy, geometry and fold kinematics: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 122, p. 8538-8565, doi: 10.1002/2017JB013966. pdf

Thompson Jobe, J.A., Li, T., Chen, J., Burbank, D.W., and Bufe, A., 2017, Quaternary Tectonic Evolution of the Pamir-Tian Shan Convergence Zone, Northwest China: Tectonics, v. 36, p. 2748-2776,  DOI: 10.1002/2017TC004541. pdf

Li, T., J. Chen, L. Fang, Z. Chen, J. A. Thompson, & C. Jia (2016). The 2015 Mw 6.4 Pishan earthquake: Seismic hazards of an active blind wedge thrust system at the Western Kunlun Range front, NW Tibetan Plateau, Seismological Research Letters, 87(3), doi: 10.1785/0220150205

Jiang, H.C., G. Guo, X. Cai, J. A. Thompson, H. Xu, & N. Zhong (2016). Geochemical evidence of windblown origin of the Late Cenozoic lacustrine sediments in Beijing and implications for weathering and climate change, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, and Palaeoecology, 446, 32-43, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.01.017.

Huang, W.L., A. Li, I. Pierce, J. A. Thompson, S. Angster, & L. Zhuang (2015). Late Pleistocene shortening rate on the northern margin of the Yanqi Basin, southeastern Tian Shan, NW China. Journal of Asian Earth Science. doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2015.08.024.

Li, T., J. Chen, J. A. Thompson, D.W. Burbank, & H. Yang (2015). Hinge-migrated fold scarp model based on an analysis of bed geometry: a study from the Mingyaole Anticline, southern foreland of the Chinese Tian Shan. Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth. doi: 10.1002/2015JB012102. 

Li, T., J. Chen, J. A. Thompson, D. W. Burbank & X. D. Yang (2015). Active flexural-slip faulting: a study from the Pamir-Tian Shan convergent zone, NW China. Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth. doi: 10.1002/2014JB011632.

Thompson, J. A., D.W. Burbank, T. Li, J. Chen & B. Bookhagen (2015). Late Miocene northward propagation of the northeast Pamir thrust system, northwest China. Tectonics. doi: 10.1002/2014TC003690 

Huang, W.L., X. P. Yang, A. Li, J. A. Thompson & L. Zhang (2014). Climatically-controlled formation of river terraces in a tectonically active region along the southern piedmont of the Tian Shan, NW China. Geomorphology, 220: 15-29.

Li, T., J. Chen, J. A. Thompson, D. W. Burbank & X.D. Yang (2013). Quantification of three-dimensional folding using fluvial terraces: A case study from the Mushi anticline, northern margin of the Chinese Pamir. Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth. doi: 10.1002/jgrb.50316.

Li, T., J. Chen, J. A. Thompson, D. W. Burbank & W. Xiao (2012). Equivalency of geodetic with geologic rates across a contractional orogen: new insights from the Pamir Frontal Thrust. Geophysical Research Letters,  39: L15305, doi: 10.1029/2012GL051782. 

Yang, H.L., J. Chen, J. A. Thompson & J.F. Liu (2012). Optical dating of the 12 May 2008, Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake-related sediments: tests of zeroing assumptions. Quaternary Geochronology, 10: 273-279. 

Jiang, H.C., X. Mao, H. Xu, J. Thompson, P. Wang & X. Ma (2011).  Last glacial pollen record from Lanzhou (Northwestern China) and possible forcing mechanisms for the MIS 3 climate change in Middle to East Asia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30 (5-6): 769-781. 

Jiang, H.C., X. Mao, H. Xu, J. Thompson & X. Ma (2010). ~4 Ma abrupt coarsening of sediments from Baikal, Chinese Loess Plateau, and South China Sea and implications for the onset of NH glaciation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 298, 201-209.  

Liu, J.F., J. Chen, J. H. Yin, Y. C. Lu, A. Murray, L. C. Chen, J. Thompson & H. L. Yang (2010). OSL and AMS14C Dating of the Penultimate Earthquake at the Leigu Trench along the Beichuan Fault, Longmen Shan, in the Northeast Margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, Vol. 100, No. 5B, pp. 2681–2688, doi: 10.1785/0120090297.

Jiang, H.C, P. Wang, J. Thompson, Z. Dong & Y. Lu (2009). Last glacial climate instability documented by coarse-grained sediments within the loess sequence, at Fanjiaping, Lanzhou, China. Quaternary Research, 72(1): 91-102.  

Amidon, W.H., Ciccioli, P.L., Marenssi, S.A., Limarino, C.O., G Fisher, G.B., Burbank, D.W., and Kylander-Clark, A.,  2016, U-Pb ages of detrital and volcanic zircons of the Toro Negro Formation, northwestern Argentina: age, provenance and sedimentation rates: South American Earth Sciences, v 70, p. 237-250. pdf

Amidon, William; Luna, Lisa; Fisher, G.; Burbank, Douglas; Kylander-Clark, Andrew; Alonso, Ricardo, 2015, Provenance and tectonic implications of Orán Group foreland basin sediments, Río Iruya canyon, NW Argentina (22°S): Basin Research, v. 27, 18 p., doi: 10.1111/bre.12139. pdf

Amidon, W. H., Fisher, G. B., Burbank, D. W., Ciccioli, P. L., Alonso, R. N., Gorin, A. L., Silverhart, P. H., Kylander-Clark, A. R., and Christoffersen, M. S., 2017, Mio-Pliocene aridity in the south-central Andes associated with Southern Hemisphere cold periods: Proceedings National Academy of Sciences, v. 114, 6474-6479.

Neely, A.B., Bookhagen, B. and Burbank, D.W., 2017. An automated knickzone selection algorithm (KZ‐Picker) to analyze transient landscapes: Calibration and validation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 122(6), pp.1236-1261.

Aaron Bufe: PhD (2017): Controls on Uplift and Planation of Active Structures in the Foreland of the Tian Shan (visit Aaron’s website)

Currently: Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow: German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam

Bufe, A., Turowski, J.M., Burbank, D.W., Paola, C., Wickert, A.D., Tofelde, S. (2019) Controls on the lateral channel migration rate of braided channel systems in coarse non-cohesive sediment. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44, 2823-2836.

Bufe, A., Burbank, D.W., Bookhagen, B., Liu, L., Chen, J., Li, T., Thompson, J., Yang, H. (2017). Variations of lateral bedrock erosion rates control planation of uplifting folds in the foreland of the Tian Shan, NW China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 122(12), 2431-2467.

Thompson Jobe, J.A., Li, T., Chen, J., Burbank, D.W., Bufe, A. (2017). Quaternary Tectonic Evolution of the Pamir-Tian Shan Collision Convergence Zone, Northwest China. Tectonics, 36(12), 1944-9194.

Bufe, A., Bekaert, D.P.S., Hussain, E., Bookhagen, B., Burbank, D.W., Thomspon Jobe, J.A., Chen, J., Li, T., Liu, L., Gan, W. (2017). Temporal changes in rock-uplift rates of folds in the foreland of the Tian Shan from geodetic and geologic data. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(21), 10977-10987.

Bufe, A., Paola, C., Burbank, D.W. (2016). Fluvial bevelling of topography controlled by lateral channel mobility and uplift rate. Nature Geoscience, 9(9), 706-710

From the Tarim Desert in Western China to the Temperate Forests of Europe.....